Tidbits from the Travel Journal: Icelandic Humor

Strolling around Reykjavik (rake-ya-vik), we discovered that Icelanders have a great sense of humor. We passed a lot of restaurants and bars with funny advertisements, and saw a lot of magnets and t-shirts with clever sayings on them. (It is worth noting that these were all in English - I'm not translating Icelandic advertising humor.)

-Happy hour: 8:00 PM-12:00 AM*. Sad hour: 1:00 AM-8:59 AM

-Beer: because no good story ever started with, "so I was eating a salad..."

-A yawn is just a silent cry for cake.

-What part of Eyjafjallajökull** don't you understand?

-A shop named "Idontspeakicelandic"

*But in 24 hour time, which is more prevalent in Europe.

**The name of the volcano that erupted a few years ago and wreaked havoc on world air travel.

The tour guide our second day in Reykjavik was one of our funnier guides on the trip. At one point we were driving past an open grassy area. He gestured vaguely toward it and said, "and out here, we have lunatics." Given that the day before, our tour guide had pointed out the old Victorian-era mental hospital, I was a little shocked to hear him say the word so casually. But then he went on to explain the reason he had called them lunatics - they were golfers.