The Non-Super Superheroes

We all have a favorite super hero with a special talent.  Some superheros have super strength or the ability to fly.  Some have a special physical difference, such as claws or being able to transform into a different shape.  Most superheroes out there have useful - or even frightful - special powers.  You never hear about the super"heroes" that have the ability to do a mundane task incredibly well, or who have a power that, while impressive, is entirely useless.  Unless you're watching Mystery Men or the superhero game on Whose Line is it Anyway.

But if there were a collection of superheros out there, with mundane or useless powers, what would they be?  

I personally have a couple "super" powers:
-When going somewhere new for the first time, I will get lost.  I will make a wrong turn somewhere, even if I have very clear directions.  Even if it's not a complicated route.  It's guaranteed.
-I also have a magical cell phone.  It never fails that if I am stuck in traffic and think that I am going to be late, that my picking up the phone to call or text someone to alert them to my predicament alters something in the alignment of the planets.  Traffic will begin moving again.  That broken down car that was blocking a lane will finally be towed out of the way.  The jack-knifed tractor trailer will right itself and the stopped traffic will part like the Red Sea, allowing me to cruise along my merry way.  I will arrive on time, and whoever I called or texted will say, "I thought you said you were running late."

I realize the latter example is actually helpful, though it's so strangely specific as to only happen very rarely.

So let's close our eyes and imagine a special school for mutants and superheroes.  But not the gifted ones.  Not the elite ones.  The ones with the weird, unhelpful powers.  You have been recruited for your mutant power, and now it's time to share!  Is it the miraculous ability to always ruin a new baking recipe?  The power of coming in the front door and tripping over an item you thought you lost now that you've broken down and bought a replacement?  An amazing anti-charisma with dice that ensures you will always make the worst possible roll?  Revel in your amazingly-mundane abilities!