See You in September

As some of you will remember from my last monthly update (, and my July update (, I intentionally set the bar low for August.  I knew that I was going to be visiting my sister in St. Louis the first week of the month, and that the middle of month was going to be crazy with the University starting back on the 20th.  I didn't count on coming down with a sinus infection in the midst of all that, too.  So I'm actually pretty glad that I didn't have any major goals this month.  

I did get a little bit done: I wrote a "new" story that is now publication ready.  (I say "new" because I've needed to put it down on the page for years.)  I have also decided on the next story after that that I am going to workshop, and have narrowed down the title to a couple options.  I also have identified the next couple stories I'll be workshopping after these two and decided on their titles.  

It will probably be another month before I start working on submission for the above; I have some stuff going on the next few weeks that just won't allow me to work on this any.  I also plan to write a blog post for each day of Banned Books Week* (September 23-29 this year).  That will be my major project for September, though I do have another project I'll be able to tell you about in a few weeks.

This will also be my last blog post for about 3-4 weeks, so don't worry if you don't see anything from me online for a while - I'll have cool stuff to share with you this fall.

*For more info on Banned Books Week, check this out: