
A list of ironic things from the past few days:

-Monday I was going to send out an email to my coworkers with detailed info about the contingency planning meeting we were going to have on Tuesday. I ran out of time and figured I'd send it Tuesday morning. (See the rest of the following list as to why that's ironic.

-I got rear-ended (at low speed. I'm OK). I was on the way to a chiropractor appointment.

-Jason and I went to the hospital to get checked out, just in case. They decided to admit me overnight for monitoring, just in case. We had planned to pack our hospital bags that night.

-They wouldn't let me eat anything 'til almost 10:30. They expressed concern that Elianna wasn't moving as much as she's supposed to.* The next morning after breakfast she got up to the rate of movement they like to see. The morning nurse told me babies in the womb usually get active after the mother eats. *She is also OK.

-Everyone jokes about hospital food being awful. My breakfast Tuesday morning was fantastic.

-All throughout the pregnancy, my doctors have been saying, "Eat healthy. Don't go over-board - and extra 300 calories is all you need! Don't eat too much fat or salt. Eat a lot of fruits and vegetables. Limit your caffeine and drink more water." What do they bring the pregnant lady for breakfast? Eggs, bacon, grits, a biscuit, and coffee. No water, fruit, or veggies to be seen.

-My shin, which has been very painful at night the last 2 weeks was about the only body-part NOT uncomfortable due to the crummy hospital bed, strap-on monitors, IV, and butt injection.

-Last night, the second night after a car accident, I slept better, more deeply, and more comfortably than I have in the past 2 or 3 months.

Isn't it ironic, dontcha think? A little TOO ironic.