Banned Books Displays I Have Loved - Part 1

One of the things I miss the most about working at a library is making book displays. Banned Books Week was always fun to plan for. We usually started brain-storming several months ahead of time.

One of my favorite Banned Books Weeks was my last year at Kennesaw State University. We had two libraries on two campuses that needed to be decked out in all the Banned Books glory we could come up with. That year, as the head of the display committee and the only member of the display committee on the Marietta campus, I was pretty much left up to my own devices and put together what I feel were two pretty awesome displays.

Today I present my favorites from the rescue pet themed display - tomorrow I'll post pictures from our Year of Russia/Banned Books Week tie in.

banned sign.jpg
Harry 1.jpg
Beauty 2.jpg
Hunger Games.jpg

I was inspired to do this rescue pet theme for Banned Books Week when my mom adopted a kitten - reading the little bios for all the cats and thinking about the “judge the deed not the breed” mentality for dogs that are harder to get adopted kind of made me think about people who raise a hue and cry about the content of a book without actually having read it.