Working on "Work"

I'm in a little bit of a slump for blog topics right now. As you know if you read my last post (which you can look at here: ), I'm spending the next couple months working on my online platform.

That doesn't mean I don't have anything going on, just that I've been thinking about technical things ("why did I customize a color on this page? I'll never find it again!") rather than creative things ("oh, hey, I just had a great insight on this character's childhood!").

I'm thinking about LinkedIn and banners, reach and analytics, do I post a link in the body of a post or the comments? Whoo.

It's also kind of interesting that I'm doing this more technical stuff, the stuff that I consider to be more "work." Indeed, there is some crossover in what I used to do in a previous position - and I'm realizing how much some websites and softwares have updated in the four years since I left that position). The timing is kind of funny because just this week I've had two former supervisors from my previous position ask me when I might consider coming back to work with them.

As I was typing this blog and doing the math (ew, math) on how long I'd been gone from that previous position, and how long I'd been gone from the position before that, I realized it wasn't as long as it feels. It feels like Facebook and LinkedIn, Excel and other software, have gone through tons and tons of changes. Maybe that's because I'm not using those office and marketing skills much anymore. Maybe it's just because it feels so long since the years B.C. - Before Child.

In any case, I'm getting back into the technical groove of things and sometimes I feel like I'm careening along at a scary pace... and other days I'm like, "hey, you live Tweeted a made-up sports event on Superbowl Sunday when you worked at a library. You got this."