
I was so pleased with myself for getting my blog done early last week that I forgot about my monthly update.

Oddly enough, I've had a lot of people asking me recently, "how's the writing going?"

With Elianna out of school and out of camp, plus travel, holidays, and birthdays in July, my writing schedule has been... shall we say, less that ideal?

Yes, I do occasionally find time when Elianna's asleep, or when my mom comes over to play with her. But since my mom works at a school supply store and they are at their busiest time of year right now, her schedule has also been erratic.

A few weeks ago, someone asked me if I had a secret to finding the muse - finding the inspiration - or if I just sat down and forced myself to write whether I felt like it or not. And the answer is... a little of both.

The times I've been the most productive were when I did have set writing times (an hour before bed, for example) or set days (my days off when I used to work, Elianna's days at school, etc.). Early on in getting into the swing of a writing schedule, it is very much the "sit down and make yourself write" thing. But what I have also found when I have had a set schedule was that if you are consistent, the muse will find you. If you always sit down to write at X time on Y day, your brain will turn on and be ready for you.

I also find that if I go long enough without working on anything (at least creatively) that the stories find me anyway. A couple days ago at lunch I had a few lines just pop into my head and had to get them down before I lost the setting and emotion.

But enough about my schedule... what have I done? What am I doing?

In July I did actually get some submissions off - not a lot, but my first submissions since March or so. I've been slowly working on my platform; something I think I will to some extent always be doing, but you have probably noticed the upticks in my posting on my Facebook author's page. I plan to continue that, and also hope to add twitter this month or next.

I'm also already looking ahead to banned books week in September.

So that's what I'm up to - any creative news in your life?