Following for February

Just a few quick notes on January, since I haven't gotten a lot done:

One of my goals was to make three submissions this month - and I did! Yay!

My platform goal was to increase my social media following. My goals were:

Facebook - goal: 106 (actual: 99)

LinkedIn - goal: 66 (actual: 69)

Twitter - goal: 10 (actual: 16)

For February, aside from trying to figure out how to get my motivation back, I will aim to keep similar submission and following goals:

-Make at least three submissions (a single submission to at least three markets, or multiple stories to one market)

-Increase my followings by:

-10% on Facebook (from 99 to 109)

-5% on LinkedIn (from 69 to 76)

-10% on Twitter (from 16 to 18)

So far, Twitter has been growing the fastest, which I did not expect... but I also don't expect that pace to stay. But, if I do increase by say, 50 or 100 percent by the end of the month, then Twitter's goal for March will be quite a bit higher.

If you're interested in helping me increase those numbers, make sure to like, share, and especially to follow me on social media!

Follow me on Facebook and Twitter for several small snippets each week.

Or, if you're looking for more professional content (less frequent, but more closely related to writing, publishing, or libraries), connect with me on LinkedIn. (I do ask that if you request a connection on LinkedIn that you mention this blog so that I know how you heard of me.)