Upstairs, Downstairs

Yesterday, I did something I don't normally do. I started a new book while I was still reading another one. I don't mean that I decided not to finish the book. I checked out a new book from the library and I'm reading one upstairs at bed, and the other in quick snatches downstairs. I haven't done this - have an "upstairs" book and a "downstairs" book - since Elianna was a baby (and by that I mean a "wake her up to feed her every 2.5 hours" baby).

Why did I do it? The short answer is that the book I put on hold at the library came in.

The long answer is a little more complex.

As you might have seen me post on Facebook or Twitter earlier, another book has been removed from the curriculum in another Tennessee school system.

I've never read Dragonwings, but I like historical fiction and grew up on tales of plucky immigrant homesteaders, so between that and the fact that I'm making it a point to read books I see in the news being banned or challenged in schools, this was a no-brainer. This one came in quickly (as opposed to Maus, which I'm still waiting on, though I have read Maus at least once before...) I also happened to see a book Friday evening detailing George Takei's family's experience in the Japanese-American internment camps of WWII. Having requested that one, Dragonwings coming in, and now being first in line for Maus, I figured I was going to have to shift things a little a multitask if I'm going to get these books read before they're due back. (Fortunately, the other book I'm currently reading, Fangirl, is my own copy, so there's no rush on that one...)

Another reason why I decided to read both at the same time instead of simply set Fangirl aside for a while (aside from the fact that I'm really enjoying it) is that Fangirl and Dragonwings are different enough that I'm not going to have a problem switching back and forth. (Imagine if I were reading The Mists of Avalon and Half Sick of Shadows at the same time - yikes!)

In any case, now you know what's going on if I suddenly start posting more "currently reading" posts the next few days.

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