Special Throwback Thursday: The Baldur Blogs

A day late for National Puppy Day, but oh, well...

Since I alternate weeks, this will be my last Throwback Thursday before the anniversary of Baldur's death on April 3. I was debating whether or not to share some of my posts about him - some are light-hearted and some are sad. But yesterday, I had a really bad headache (weather and allergies) and I lay down to take a nap for a while. At one point, I heard Athena chewing on her feet... except that when I woke up and sat up to pet her, she wasn't in the bed. She hadn't come upstairs.

Now, is it possible I was hearing things? Yes. Is it possible I was dreaming? Of course. But there's a belief that when you dream of the dearly departed it means they have come to visit you - and it would be so in character for our sweet boy to come check on me when I felt bad.

So here I have collected a series of tales of Baldur the Beautiful, Baldur Spleen-Slayer. Come keep his memory alive with me.

One of the best days of my life was when this boy picked me out and said in his sweet, sad-Corgi-face way, "I want you to be my Mommy."

Jason and I came back to pick up our boy and to hear what the vet had found. It wasn't good.

We are preparing for the death of our first fur baby at the same time as we are preparing for the birth of our first human baby.

Remember when Notre Dame Cathedral caught on fire? Shouldn't that have been The Story of the Decade?

We started blaming things on Baldur’s ghost.

It's a place of honor, and place where he can keep an eye on his baby sister. And the thing is... we think he does.

Some days it helps to remember my sweet fuzzies.

Elianna still has her brother to comfort her.

Imagine a Great Dane the size of a small horse looking down at this coffee table sized dog with a confused, "Do I know you?" expression.

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