Revenge of the Inability to Type!

If you've been following my blog for at least the last six months or so, you may remember a post I made last summer about a couple characters in a show Jason and I were watching who were thwarted by their lack of typing skills. This show takes place in the 80's.

Recently, Jason and I have been watching Schooled, which takes place in "Nineteen Ninety-something." In the most recent episode, a young teacher enlists the mother of a friend of hers to be a cyber Cyrano for their pushover of a principal. The idea is that while the principal meets with a difficult parent that Mom will listen in and provide witty and scathing comebacks for him via AOL chat.

The problem is that Mom can't type. It takes her a full 30 second to deliver the message "I'm."

It kind of made me realize that even though these shows don't take place all that long ago, they're period pieces. It seems weird to think of a show set in a time period that I lived through as a period piece.