Baldur's Battle

So it's probably time I give everyone an update on our boy. If you want the background info, you can read my last post, here:

Sadly, the results of Baldur's biopsy were not good. He has stage 3 hemagiosarcoma, which is an aggressive vascular/bleeding cancer. With treatment, he has 4 months, tops. Without treatment, we would be looking at a matter of weeks.

We started him on chemo last Monday, and he is getting other medications in addition. So far he has done well - eating enthusiastically most days, and excited to go on walks and see his friends around the neighborhood. That in and of itself makes it worth it - he is already feeling better than the few weeks before he had his spleen out.

I'm finally able to sit down and write this now. Obviously, we were devastated to receive the news. We've both cried a lot, and it continues to creep up on us at times. It would be hard enough just dealing with this, but the timing makes it worse. We are preparing for the death of our first fur baby at the same time as we are preparing for the birth of our first human baby.

In an odd twist of fate, our oncologist has twin 9 month old daughters - and he lost a dog to cancer shortly after they were born. If anyone understands what we are going through, it's him. I think that he will be a great help and comfort to us, especially as things get harder.

So, what does this have to do with writing? Because Jason and I now have limited time to spend with our boy, and on top of that will also have to be spending a lot of time preparing to welcome our baby girl, that means something has to give. That something is going to be writing. I'm not saying I won't write at all during this time - the great thing about having a laptop is that I can sit on the couch with my boy and do stuff on the computer. But emotionally the spark will likely not be there and I'm not going to force it.

This blog will become sporadic - maybe even disappear for weeks at a time. I wanted you, my readers, to know why and to know that I will eventually be back. But for now, I need to focus on myself and my family.

"Ashes" Update

For those of you have may not have seen the announcement on my author's Facebook page, my short story "Ashes" has been accepted for publication by the James Dickey Review of Reinhardt University.

While this is not my first short story published (it will be my third), it is a first in its own way:
-This is the first time I've had a story accepted "close to home" - both of my previous stories having been published through New England Universities.
-This is the first time that I submitted a story to people I know.  While I don't know everyone on the James Dickey staff personally, I do know some of them.  Sending your story out into the ether to be read by strangers is one thing; sending it off to coworkers who you respect is another.  I am very pleased that they thought it good enough to represent our University.
-This will be my first published work after getting married.  As some of you who follow this blog may have noticed, I changed my name on my personal facebook account, but not here or on my author's facebook page.  Back a few months ago when I was figuring out various wedding and post-wedding logistics, I decided that I would keep Elizabeth Ivey as my "pen name" and go by my new married name in my personal and (non-writing) professional life.

While the formal notice that "Ashes" had been accepted came on Monday, I was actually kind of expecting it.  Last Friday, the head of Reinhardt's MFA in Creative Writing program came by my office to drop off something for one of my coworkers.  On his way, he stopped by my desk to say that he really enjoyed my story.  He had more praise to offer, but I won't share that until after the story is published, as it spoils the ending : )

The same night, I ran into the Dean of the School of Arts and Humanities in the grocery store.  He told me congratulations; we are friends on Facebook, and this was the first time he'd seen me in person since I'd gotten married, so my initial instinct was that he was congratulating me on that.  But then thinking about it later, I wondered... Given that he is also involved in our MFA and literary magazine, was he referring to something I didn't know about yet?  (Equally curious, as he is actually the managing editor of the JDR and was the one who officially informed me of my acceptance on Monday.)

I also now have an update as to publishing.  The 2017 edition of the James Dickey Review goes to press in December and will likely be available to the general public in January.  I will update everyone once it's actually available, and I will also let everyone know once I am allowed to post it to my personal website.  In the meantime, since some of you have asked, the easiest way to obtain a printed copy is to subscribe to the James Dickey Review using the form below.  (Just as a security reminder, do not include a credit card number if you plan to email the form.  If you are emailing the subscription form, you can call the Reinhardt Business Office to make a secure credit card payment over the phone at 770-720-5520.)

In the meantime, if you would like to read my previously published works, and other pieces besides, you visit the "My Works" page on this website.

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Presenting the New and Improved Ivey Ink!

Hello, and welcome back!

Over the past few months I've taken care of some things I've needed to work out, and now I am pleased to present the new and improved layout of

For those of you who have followed me previously, thanks for reading (and sorry for the wait!).  For those of you who may be new, welcome!  I normally post to this blog once a week, though I sometimes post more frequently if have something fun and interesting to say.  

For the foreseeable future, most blog posts will be on the weekends (Saturdays or Sundays).  I will be blogging about all sorts of things: book and movie reviews, progress on my own writing, history and holidays, and all kinds of wacky and weird theatre and writer musings.

Feel free to look me up on Facebook:  I currently make posts to this Facebook page on Mondays, but I'm looking to expand that soon as well.

Keep an eye out for fun new additions coming soon, including: a snazzy Facebook button (ooh!), and an archive page for my old blog posts (ahh!).

Feel free to submit comments to this or any blog post.  Thanks for reading!