What's in (the Spelling of) a Name?

Let's talk about a character in my next big project*.

The main character in the novel I have decided to work on next in named Reala.  For the purposes of this post, that's really all you need to know about her.

As some of you who have followed this blog for a while know, one of the things I consider strongly both when reading and writing is spelling vs. pronunciation of a character name.  In fact, it's kind of been in my head a lot recently because I'm reading Lady Macbeth by Susan Fraser King and, as you might expect of a book set in 11th century Scotland, there are a lot of old Celtic names that are most definitely not pronounced the way they are spelled.

I personally find it kind of annoying to pick up a book, begin reading, and have an idea in my head of how to pronounce the names, only to find out several chapters in that what I had in my head has been wrong for dozens or even hundreds of pages.  (And in this particular book, the character list, glossary, and pronunciation guide is in the back of the book, and it has spoilers: "Dudgdhe - pronounced Dude - son of Gusgeheh - pronounced Guy.  Killed by Brugheheh - pronounced Bro.")

So, because I think that at least the main characters need to have names that are very clear right off the bat, I'd like to know from you, my readers, when you see the name "Reala," what is your immediate thought as to how it is pronounced?
A. Ray-all-a
B. Reel-a
C. Something else

Please comment! (Yes, you may be the one to determine the spelling of a character's name in a future novel!)

*No, I'm not working on Wolf and Sheath just yet.  At least, I'm not doing any major work on it until after the wedding, but I am thinking about it a lot, and may start working on small things like name research as I have a little free time here and there.