June is Bustin' Out Already

Well... Remember my plans for May? To get back into my routine and get my head back in the game? Yeah, not so much...

I did finish rereading the bulk of my Wolf and Sheath material - the main document and most of my snippets and tidbits that I haven't figured out where exactly they go in the main story yet. I think I still have about 10,000 words of new-ish material left to reread.

I also have been good about keeping to my social media schedule - writerly quotes on Mondays and and blog posts on the weekends.

But that's it - I haven't gotten any actual writing, editing, or submissions done this month.

And, granted, there are reasons for that. We've been making some pretty big preparations for our little girl, including having the carpet upstairs replaced today. I don't know if any of y'all have ever had the carpet replaced in a house you're currently living in. It's like moving - you have to get everything up off the floor and, even if the carpet people are going to be moving furniture, you have to get stuff off the furniture. That means knick-knacks off shelves and dressers, pens and papers off desks and - yes - books off bookshelves (and bedside tables and the floor).

As you might have guessed, as a writer, former library worker, and avid reader, I have a boatload of books. I wouldn't say I have enough books to sink the Titanic... but it might not be going too far out on a limb to say that I have enough books to plug the hole in the Titanic. And, as those of you who are also writers, librarians, or avid readers know from trying to move your own books, books add up quickly and are heavy in large quantities.

Even under normal circumstances, it would have taken us several days to pack and move everything we needed to to prepare for this. But in my third trimester, I'm not supposed to be lifting more than 20 pounds, and in the past week or so have gotten to where bending over, crouching, etc. is getting to be more difficult. Plus, going on almost a month now, I've been without A/C at work. So when I get home in the evenings, I'm hot, tired, cranky, and the last thing I want to do is spend all night cleaning and packing.

So Jason and I have been tackling this in small chunks, an hour or half hour at a time. And now we have to put it all back...

So June... We still have baby preparations - we have to get nursery furniture. We're meeting a doula tomorrow. My shower is in a couple weeks. And that's on top of plans to spend time with people before the baby comes...

So I'm not expecting June to be hugely productive. I'm not saying I won't continue trying to do what I set out to in May - just that I'm going to try not to give myself a hard time if I don't get a lot of writing done on top of all the other things that are pressing in on me.