Library Displays I Have Loved, Part 4

Some of you may have seen on my personal Facebook page that I shared a memory of a library display this week. I've also been thinking about this one a lot recently.

When I worked for Kennesaw State University Library a few years ago, one of my tasks was making displays for the library on the Marietta campus. Sometimes these were just selections of books based around a theme, and sometimes they were more informative displays with facts, information, or trivia.

Each year, the university did a "year of" where they selected a country whose culture they would focus on for activities, lectures, etc. One of the years I was there was the Year of Russia. Needless to say, as a Russian minor in college, I was brimming with ideas for this particular display case. In fact, my last display that I put together for the Year of Russia display case was a Black History Month tie in.

Many people are not aware, but Aleksandr Pushkin, one of Russia's most famous and most beloved authors, was of African descent. I've been thinking about Pushkin a lot lately, partly because of the interestingly ethnic casting in The Great (a show in Hulu about Catherine the Great). (More on that to follow in another post.) So, ladies and gentlemen, without further ado, I give you my Pushkin display:

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