Grocery Shopping on Mars

Every time I go to the grocery store now (which is a non-negotiable only one day a week trip), I think about the changes to my routine.

I plan what I'm wearing carefully - I wear pants with a lot of pockets so that I can take my wallet, phone, keys, and hand sanitizer without taking a purse.

I check my equipment before I pull out - do I have my mask? My hand sanitzer? My wipes?

I think about my "safe zone" - anything in the passenger seat is clean. I take my sunglasses off and put them on the seat before I put my mask on and get out of the car.

I think about my decontamination procedure when I get back to the car - what have I touched? What needs to be wiped down?

When I get home, I think about the "clean" zones and the "hot" zones. I hang my decontaminated keys by the door. I put my phone and wallet in a pre-arranged spot on the counter (on top of the old grocery list, which will get thrown away like the paper table liner at the doctor's office). I don't touch the dog or the baby. I take my shoes off. I wash my hands. I put the groceries away. I wash my hands again and wipe down the phone and the wallet. I change my clothes - it all goes in the dirty clothes hamper, not to be touched for several days. I wash my hands again before I touch Jason or the girls.

And, yeah, it's still weird and new. But I'm also starting to get used to it. I actually like the one-way aisles at the grocery store - it's easier to go around people.

Elianna may be getting used to it, too. We had exterminators come on Friday. They were wearing masks with ventilators - full lower face with big canisters on either side. Elianna, who is 10 1/2 months old, waved at them cheerfully, rather than reacting with fear. One of the exterminators (after getting over how giddy he was that our baby was waving at him) commented that this might be normal for her generation. Maybe. Maybe this "new normal" is the way it's gonna be for a while.

I try to think of it as an excursion on a strange new planet - we have to go out for supplies but we also have to be cautious about what might be in the atmosphere. Because when we have settlements on other planets - and I imagine that someday we will - safety protocol, quarantine procedures, decompression, decontamination, and other procedures that may still be a glimmer in a sci-fi writer's eye will be the norm.