Put it in Your Pocket

This morning I prepared to meet a friend for a walk. I was packing Elianna's diaper bag, and tucking small things into the pockets of my leggings. (Yes, I have leggings with pockets - they're awesome.) I think that, in conjunction with Elianna's Wonder Woman t-shirt (made to look like it had a little utility belt), made me wonder why utility belts aren't a common thing.

Wouldn't that be fantastic? Haul around all the small items you need without worrying about it falling out of your pockets, or having to carry a purse? I'd love to have a utility belt. I do have a steampunk pouch that attaches to a belt that I occasionally use in lieu of a purse, but I'm talking multiple pockets and pouches on a belt.

There was a story I was going to write back an embarrassingly long time ago where one of the characters had an absurd amount of pockets and pouches hanging off her belt. (I have long since abandoned that story, which was basically Harry Potter fan-fic, for much better stories.)

Last week I was thinking about pockets in the context of writing, too. I posted a writing prompt on my Facebook page asking fellow writers to consider what unique item their character carries in a pocket or pouch. I do like little character sketches and insights like that - what small, defining quirk or characteristic can you come up with for a character you're writing?

Do you have something special, something unique, that you carry with you in a pocket or purse?