Overdue Update

Why is February so short?  And how does it somehow work out that the shortest month has so much crammed into it?

I realized recently that I haven't done my monthly project updates in a while.  (Convenient, 'cause I haven't gotten much work done, ha!)

The last couple months I've been focusing on The Wolf and the Sheath.  Between Christmas and just getting back into the swing of things after that, I really didn't get anything done until late January and early February.  This doesn't mean I've written new material.  I've been doing some organizational things.

I started writing Wolf and Sheath in November of 2009.  My writing has improved a lot since then, so there are things that I need to edit, fix, and rework.  In addition, what I have "on paper" is maybe about 2/3 (maybe even less) of the finished story.  A lot of what I have done recently is start making lists and charts of what I still need to write and what I need to research, and looking for visual research and inspiration.  I have an idea in mind of what characters look like, what their clothes are, what their animals look like.  But I've also heard in workshops that it can be helpful to have pictures, for your reference when describing things.  We'll see if it helps.

So really what I've been working on recently is "pre-writing," I guess.  I haven't even gotten much of that done in the past couple weeks either, in large part due to our recently aquiring a new fur baby who is taking a lot of effort to get settled into our regular routine.

But I do like the idea of giving y'all these updates every now and then.  Here's hoping I'll have a more substantial update at the end of March.