Mayday, Mayday!

Well, y'all, it's May. And it's been a while since I've posted project goals or updates.

Of course, if you've been following this blog, you'll know why the 2nd half of February, and then March and April went out the window, so I won't go into that again.

Last week I finally decided to start getting back into it. I started rereading The Wolf and the Sheath, to get my head back to where it was before the omelet hit the fan. (Yes, I'm stealing that phrase from Some Like it Hot.) I had written a decent amount of new material in early February and some of it I hadn't even reread yet, so some of this reread is to re-immerse myself in the world of the story, and some of it honestly is to say "what the heck did I write three months ago?"

I also looked into some submission possibilities and submitted one of my stories to a literary magazine, so we'll see if that goes anywhere. I got back two rejections during my downtime, which was really rough - not because when I sent them out I said, "this is it! This is a perfect fit for this story," but because I already had so much bad news coming at me it would have been nice to have a win.

So for May... I guess for May I go back to getting my head in the game. I may not write quite as much as the schedule I planned at the beginning of the year. At six months pregnant, I'm not sleeping well (not that I slept well when I wasn't pregnant) and we still have a boatload of stuff to do to get ready for our little girl. My evenings are full and my bedtime is creeping earlier. I need to remember to take the time to meditate, especially the next few weeks as work stress is peaking. Plus now that it's getting hotter, we usually wait 'til after dark to take Athena for a walk. So the 2-2.5 hours I used to be able to get in most writing evenings are shrinking - in the past week and a half or so that I've been trying to get back into it, I think two hours has been my best, and a couple nights it's been closer to 1.

But with a baby on the way, I know that in a few months I will look back on this time and say, "Oh, wow, I had so much time I had back then!"